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Bridges at the world's edge |

Figures on the Elfin Oak, Kensington Gardens |

National Gallery, Trafalgar Square |

The O2 |

New Year's Day Parade, 2007 |

Albert Bridge |

All Souls, Langham Place |

Arding & Hobbs, Clapham Junction |

Prince Edward Theatre, exterior detail |

Can you see what it is yet? * |

* labelled version |

Eros and Coca-Cola |

Hampstead Heath at dusk |

Houses of Parliament seen from the Thames |

Gerrard Street, impressionized |

Daily Express building, Fleet Street |

London Eye |

Regent's Park sunset |

Deer in Richmond Park |

River police |

The Lloyd's Building |
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of Chambers but may differ from the published versions All content © 2005–2010